Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Max Vandenburg's Facebook

This method of analyzing Max Vandenburg, a character from The Book thief  didn’t terribly influence my perspective or help me understand him any better. I feel that using social media was a rather irrelevant method, considering when the story takes place. My opinion probably stems from the fact I don’t terribly think social media is something deep or something that really reveals character. When you talk to a friend, you don’t think about what you’ll say for long periods of time, debate how it will make them perceive you, and if they’ll like it. You do all of those things when you post something on a social media site. More often then less you’re not expressing yourself, you’re advertising yourself. Regardless, this was interesting to do. Technology wise I did learn a bit more about photoshop and it was enjoyable along with making up posts. It was pretty fun. I really enjoyed looking up songs in particular. Ask anyone, I have a lovely knack for finding a song fitting to anything and any occasion. Finding songs for Max to post about was definitely fun for me.